Everyman Chess Viewer for Apple iOS devices

Chess Viewer - Everyman Chess

Version 3 now available including Analysis Engine!

Video preview and walk-through for Version 2.1

Starting Screen

App Start Page
When you launch your app you will see your book list, which will include the free samples provided by Everyman. Your Book list is categorised into two sections:

  • Books which show eBooks customised by Everyman specifically for this app (including the samples)
  • PGN files which show any pgn files you may have downloaded from the web or added from your hard drive

Buying New eBooks

  • Press the 'Buy Books' button at the top to access the full Everyman Library where you can make an inApp Purchase. Any titles you buy will automatically appear in your booklist

Adding New eBooks to your Library

If you bought your eBook as an inApp purchase it should appear automatically in your book list. If you bought your eBook on the Everyman Chess website or a partner website then follow the instructions below.

Adding eBooks or Pgn Files to your Library via iTunes

iTunes file sharing

iPhone 3G+ only + any iPad

  1. Go to iTunes and connect your iPad/iPhone
  2. Under DEVICES on the left hand side click on your device
  3. Now you see your device screen on the main section - click on 'Apps' (see below)
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen until you see File Sharing, the click on Chess Viewer and 'Add'
  5. Navigate to the place on your hard drive that you have saved the pgn file and select it
  6. Your file should now be in your eBook library

Adding Pgn Files by url

Adding a pgn file

  • Click the Add Pgn Files button and either type or paste a url there to get a file from the web (NOTE Zip files supported, such as those use on TWIC

Adding Pgn Files directly from Safari or Mail

  • Using the 'Mail' or 'Safari' app, clicking on an an email attachment or link which is a pgn file should give you the option to 'Open in Chess Viewer'


Searching the database
This is a new feature of ChessViewer2.0: you can now search your pgn databases and eBooks by Player, Book Title or All Fields (e.g. by opening or ECO code). The system will start search as soon as you start typing.


You can delete files using this option


You can change your Board type (4 colour schemes)

Using an eBook or Pgn File

Playing through a game

  1. eBooks - your eBooks will typically display the chapter list once you have pressed your selected book (see above). You can play through the moves and read the content for each chapter after you select it. On the iPad commentary and moves are displayed on the same screen whereas on the iPhone there is an extra screen for commentary which you can into and out of as you play through the moves and variations
  2. Pgn files - here the games list is displayed first and you select your desired game to play through. Any commentary available is also displayed as with the eBooks.

Problem with your file

Click the question mark in the top right hand corner to submit it to our team